Tal is a turn-based game. It is easy to learn (only 4 rules) but quite hard to master.

  1. Each player must move exactly one piece each turn, in a straight line over open (i.e. non-occupied) tiles. It is not allowed to not move at all.
  2. The maximum amount of tiles that a piece can be moved, depends on the number on the piece. A 1 can move only 1 tile, but e.g. a 5 can move 1,2,3,4 or 5 tiles.
  3. Pieces with an odd number (1,3,5 etc) can only move diagonally while pieces with an even number (2,4,6 etc) can only move vertically or horizontally.
  4. Players can take the pieces of other players by ending a forward move on a tile with a piece of the other player. One cannot take pieces by moving their own piece backwards. The only exception is the king, which is the only piece that can take pieces by moving forward or backward. If a king itself is taken, the game is over and the player without king loses.

Try it yourself

Bottom player versus Top player